The Soldier
The Soldier is a crazed patriot from America's heartland. Tough and well-armed, he's versatile, capable of both offense and defense, and a great starter class to get familiar with the game.
The Soldier is well known for his spectacular rocket jump. In defiance of all good sense and judgment, the Soldier can detonate a rocket at his feet and launch himself skyward at the cost of some health. This ability allows the Soldier to pop up in unexpected places and reach areas off-limits even to the Scout's double jump.
The Soldier is a tough, all-purpose assault class that excels at both offense and defense. Although slow on foot, he can rocket jump to cover distances quickly and reach unpredictable locations. His weapons are capable of taking on multiple foes at once, but run out of ammunition quickly. A good Soldier should avoid spamming and make each shot count, leading targets properly and aiming at the feet of enemies to maximize splash damage. The Soldier makes an excellent Medic buddy, as he can damage himself to help build the Medic's Übercharge for later use.
- You can rocket jump to great heights by simultaneously jumping and firing a rocket at the ground.
- Crouching and jumping simultaneously while aiming at the ground will propel you farther at the cost of more self-damage.
- Aim rockets at enemy's feet to ensure they can't avoid the explosion damage.
- Make sure you keep your Rocket Launcher loaded. Hit R to reload it at any time.