The Medic
The Medic is a Teutonic man of medicine. While he may have a tenuous adherence to medical ethics, he is nonetheless the primary healing class of the team. Although the Medic's Syringe Gun and Bonesaw aren't the greatest weapons for direct combat, he can typically still be found near the front lines, healing wounded teammates while trying to stay out of trouble.
When the Medic focuses his Medi Gun on a teammate, they will regain health points. Teammates who are already healthy will have their health buffed beyond the normal limit, up to 150% of their base health capacity. Teammates who have not taken damage recently will be healed more rapidly, encouraging smart withdrawals when injured.
When healing, the Medic will gradually fill a unique ÜberCharge bar, faster if healing injured teammates. When the ÜberCharge bar is fully charged, the Medic's healing gun will begin to crackle with small jolts of electricity, indicating that he can now deploy a unique charge to benefit his patient and himself for eight seconds. A charge from the Medi Gun offers temporary invulnerability, from the Kritzkrieg guaranteed critical hits for his patients, from the Quick-Fix rapid healing and immunity to knock back, and from the Vaccinator enhanced damage resistance.
The Medic is arguably the most important class on a team. Although he only has average health and mediocre firepower, his ability to heal and overheal teammates using the Medi Gun makes him invaluable. Additionally, the Medic continually builds an ÜberCharge meter as he heals others. Once full, he can provide invulnerability with the Medi Gun, Crit-boost a teammate with the Kritzkrieg, or perform rapid healing with the Quick-Fix, effects that can rapidly turn the tide of battle. Because dying means losing any accumulated ÜberCharge, it is incredibly important that the Medic survives any fight. More than any other class, communication is key for the Medic; he relies on having good teammates to protect him so that he is free to heal and keep his team alive.
- Use your Medi Gun to heal teammates, and buff them up to 150% of their normal health.
- Fill your ÜberCharge by healing teammates. Then hit 'MOUSE2' to activate.
- Your ÜberCharge makes both you and your Medi Gun target invulnerable for a short time.
- You fill your ÜberCharge faster by healing teammates who are more hurt.
- Keep alert for teammates calling for your help. Use the Medic arrows onscreen to find them.