The Heavy
The Heavy is a towering hulk of a man that hails from the USSR. He is the largest and possibly most dangerous class in Team Fortress 2. Boasting the most default health and devastating firepower from his trusty Minigun, the Heavy is no pushover. The Heavy's Minigun can inflict heavy damage at a high rate of fire, allowing him to mow down opposing babies, cowards and teeny-men in seconds.
The Heavy's movement speed is his main weakness. Revving up or firing his Minigun brings his already unimpressive speed down to a snail's pace, making him a very easy target for Snipers and Spies. His slow speed makes him more dependent on support from Medics and Engineers to keep him in the fight. Aside from decimating entire teams, the Heavy is able to provide further support for his comrades with an oft-required health boost via his Sandvich, which, when consumed, is capable of healing him to full health. It can also be dropped to provide an instant 50% health boost to his greedy teammates. However, if he isn't careful, an enemy may pick up the dropped Sandvich for a health boost of their own.
The Heavy is the largest, toughest, but slowest class in the game. Although his Minigun takes some time to rev up, it possesses some of the greatest damage output in the game, especially at close range. The Heavy can continue to keep his weapon revved in anticipation for future encounters. His great health pool and firepower makes him a very good Medic buddy.
However, his large size and slow speed makes him a juicy target, especially for enemy Snipers or Spies, and his general loudness makes him subpar at ambushing. A good Heavy will coordinate with his team to tackle mission objectives together. His usefulness as a shock trooper while on offense or defense should not be underestimated by either side.
- Hold MOUSE2 to keep your Minigun spinning, ready for approaching enemies.
- You're a great Medic buddy. Keep a clear line of sight to your Medic to keep the Medigun on you.
- Hit E to call for a Medic if you get hurt. Nearby Medics will be notified of your need.
- Your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply.